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Position of Assistant / Associate / Full Professor Human Resource Management (HRM) / Organizational Behavior Toulouse Campus


Position of Assistant / Associate / Full Professor

Human Resource Management (HRM) / Organizational Behavior

Toulouse Campus



The Department of Human Resource Management & Business Law at Toulouse Business School is seeking to fill in one faculty position in the field of Human Resource Management / Organizational Behavior, to develop its teaching programs and the quality of its research.

The position opens September the 1rst, 2021. Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Applications will be evaluated upon receipt and until the position is filled.

Job Qualifications:

The candidate has a PhD or a Doctorate, a good record of publications in leading academic journals, and the recognition at an international level in her/his research.

The candidate shows excellent teaching abilities, he/she combines a real teaching practice in human resource management/organizational behavior. Diversity and inclusion / intercultural expertise would be appreciated. He/she must be able to teach in French and English. Experience of courses coordination in different programs of higher education (Bachelor, Master, MSc, Executive Education...) would be appreciated.

The candidate is open-minded and able to work in a team with an interdisciplinary approach: we are open to original thinkers and innovators. We invite you to join our international, multicultural, innovative team.

Toulouse Business School:

Toulouse Business School was one of the first French business schools to gain AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA accreditations. The School has four campuses: Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona (Spain), and Casablanca (Morocco). Teachings in HRM, Organizational Behavior, Intercultural management and CSR are provided in the Bachelor program, the ‘Grande Ecole’ (Master in Management) program, Global Executive MBA, DBA, and Executive Education programs. TBS also offers specialized programs: MSc (Master of Science) and MS (Specialized Masters) in Human Resource Management.

TBS offers a working environment favorable to the development of its faculty, matching the standard of the best management schools in Europe, and our faculty benefits from very competitive research opportunities.

More information about the faculty can be found at the link:

And for more information about the research group:



Application Procedure:

Candidates are invited to send the following application material:

·        A cover letter

·        A complete curriculum vitae with list of publications

·        A research paper representative of the work (the most recent)

·        A statement of the courses delivered (with hours and course evaluation summary sheets)

·        Three letters of recommendation or names of referees

All these documents must be compiled into one single electronic application file. Please send your application file by email to: and


Position opens on September the 1st, 2021. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible.


Contacts :

Head of Human Resource Management & Business Law Department



Head of the Work, Employment & Health Research Lab