Research presentation by   Markus PUDELKO

The Management Department of ESCP Business School invites you to attend a research presentation by



March 17, 2022

 2 pm – 3.30 pm CET, ESCP République campus

Room 2216 & online here

Overcoming Cultural and Language Barriers: The Bridging Activities of Multicultural and Multilingual Individuals



This study examines two closely related groups of employees that are more and more prevalent in today’s organizations: multicultural and multilingual individuals. More specifically, this study investigates how these individuals employ their particular capabilities to bridge multicultural and multilingual barriers in their work contexts. While previous literature has already identified the usefulness of these individuals in overcoming such hurdles, very little is known about the micro processes that unfold in their bridging activities. This paper attempts to open up this black box. Based on the analysis of 154 interviews, we develop a theoretical model of bridging activities that carefully distinguishes between the related but still distinct concepts of culture- and language-related bridging. Through our inductive theory building we further came to understand the importance to distinguish between the inherent capabilities and the implementation of multicultural and multilingual individuals. Finally, we noticed that, rather counter-intuitively, not only assets but also perceived shortcomings can be instrumental in their bridging activities. Based on our conceptualizations, we develop four roles in bridging activities: cultural instructor, language interpreter, cultural coach and language facilitator.



Professor Markus Pudelko is Director of the Department of International Business at Tübingen University School of Business and Economics. He earned Master degrees in Business Studies (University of Cologne), Economics (Sorbonne University) and International Management (Community of European Management Schools - CEMS) and a PhD (University of Cologne).


Before joining Tübingen University, he worked for eight years for the University of Edinburgh Business School. For longer-term research purposes he visits frequently other universities, such as Columbia University, Doshisha University, Dubai University, EAFIT, Fudan University, Hebrew University Jerusalem, IESE, Korea University, Melbourne University, Peking University, San Francisco de Quito University, San José State University, Simon Fraser University, Sophia University, Stellenbosch University, Sydney University, Umea University, Vaasa University and Waseda University.


His current research is on headquarters-subsidiary relationships, multinational individuals and teams, the impact of language on international business, trust, international HRM, Chinese and Japanese management and cross-cultural management. He has published on these topics in books, book chapters and journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Human Resource Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Leadership Quarterly and Long Range Planning. He received several research awards, among others by the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business.

For guests from outside ESCP Business School, please present this invitation to reception upon arrival.


Maral Muratbekova-Touron, Ph.D.

Department of Management
ESCP Business School, Paris, France

IHRM webinar