Invitation pour un webinaire organisé par EMJ


Je vous transmets cette invitation pour un webinaire organisé par EMJ (dont je suis éditrice associée), l'inscription est libre et gratuite.

Merci d'avance, bien à vous

Maîtresse de Conférences Sciences de Gestion
Spécialisée en Gestion des Ressources Humaines

Université Côte d'Azur

Membre du laboratoire GREDEG (UMR 7321 UNSA-CNRS)



Dear Associate Editors,


The European Management Journal warmly invites you to attend a webinar on 'Demystifying Journal Publishing'. We would be delighted if you could join us and share this information with your colleagues.



SIGN UP HERE - June webinar


Demystifying Journal Publishing - 1st June 2023


Topic: Getting your paper published: avoiding desk rejection; engaging an audience; responding to reviewers; writing a cover letter; and more ...


Date: 1st June, 3pm (UK time). Duration: 1 hr and 30 mins


Panel members:

Editor in Chief (Sarah Robinson)Associate Editor (Andreas Strobl)Media Special Projects Associate Editor (Paula Karlsson-Brown)Reviewer (Duane Windsor)Author (Elisa Conz)Publisher (Simon Jones, Elsevier).


Professor Sarah Robinson – Editor in Chief, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UKDr Andreas Strobl – Associate Editor for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, UKDr Paula Karlsson-Brown – Associate Editor for Media Special Projects, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UKProfessor Duane Windsor – Winner of EMJ Best Reviewer Award (2020), Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University, USA


Professor (Assistant) Elisa Conz (LinkedIn profile) – Winner of EMJ Best Paper Award (2020), University of Pavia, Italy



All attendees who sign up will receive a certificate of attendance.