HEC® Liège (University of Liège) invites applications for a full-time academic position in “Transitional Labour Markets & Labour Relations

HEC® Liège (University of Liège) invites applications for a full-time academic position in “Transitional Labour Markets & Labour Relations” starting on September 1, 2021 HEC® Liège is the management school of the University of Liège. HEC® Liège is one of the leading Belgian university business schools for graduate and postgraduate programs with more than 115 fulltime faculty members and researchers and more than 3000 students.

HEC® Liège is a dynamic institution that heavily promotes an active pedagogy, leading students to contribute actively to their own education. The international vision of HEC® Liège translates into multiple research activities in management and economics, numerous partnerships with worldwide companies and universities, and growing internationalization of its programs and faculty. The school's commitment to, and continuing investment in, quality improvement has been recognized through the AACSB award and the EQUIS award delivered by the international accreditation body EFMD.

HEC® Liège also holds the EPAS award for each of its three main programs: the Master in Management, the Master in Business Engineering, and the Doctoral Program. The specialization “Banking and Asset Management” of the Master in Management has recently been accepted into the CFA Institute University Recognition Program. HEC® Liège is also a member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.

HEC® Liège is located in Liège, Belgium’s third largest city, and the largest agglomeration of the Frenchspeaking Walloon region. At the heart of Europe, Liège is the third inland port of Europe and the seventh freight airport in Europe. Recognized for its quality of life and its rich historical heritage, Liège is ideally situated within the Meuse-Rhin Euregio, 30 km from Maastricht (the Netherlands) and 60 km from Aachen (Germany). It is less than 1.5 hours away from Cologne, 2.5 hours from Paris and 4 hours from London by high-speed train (TGV) starting from the magnificent train station designed by the renowned architect Santiago Calatrava.

A description of the HEC® Liège work environment can be found at: http://www.hec.ulg.ac.be/en/hecliege/strengths-of-hec-liege.

Job description Teaching In terms of teaching, the main objective of the position is to provide the new Master "Managing Organizational Systems in Transition", joint master degree in 3 years common to HEC Liège and the Faculty of Social Sciences, with specific courses and seminars on the challenges of the transformation of the labor market (particularly in relation to issues of digitalization and new forms of employment) as well as on the evolution of social dialogue and industrial relations. The teaching load also contains other courses related to these topics, taught in the current Bachelor and Master in Management Sciences (day and evening classes) as well as in the Master in Human Resource Management.

In total, the teaching load counts 6 courses, taught in French or in English depending on the programs concerned:  Digitization and Labor Market (Master course, 5 ECTS, in English)  Industrial Relations, Social Dialogue, and Collective Bargaining

– Evolution and Current Practices (Master course, 5 ECTS, in French)  Strategic Issues in Skills and Training Management (Master course, 4 ECTS, in French or in English)  New Forms of Employment and New Forms of Organization (Master course, 4 ECTS, in French or in English)  Globalization, Labor Markets, and Industrial Relations (Bachelor course, 5 ECTS, in French)  Ecological Transition, Sustainable Development and Employment (Master course, 5 ECTS, in English) In addition, the holder of this position will be expected to supervise master theses and internships on the before-mentioned topics and, more generally, on issues related to Human Resource Management. Research The evolution of the labor market and of the employment forms linked to the digitalization of the economy (artificial intelligence, robotization, platform work, international subcontracting, self-entrepreneurship, project or contract work, professional self-employment, etc.) as well as the evolution of social dialogue and industrial relations offer a wide range of research perspectives.

As such, it will be expected from the future holder of the position that he/she develops high level scientific research projects and regional, federal and 2/3 international research partnerships on these issues, in line with and complementary to the research projects already carried out at the LENTIC (Research Center on New Ways of Working, Innovation Dynamics and Change Processes) research center. He/she will be expected to raise funds to support the development of these research activities (funds that should notably allow the hiring of researchers and/or PhD students he will supervise). He/She will also be expected to publish the results of his/her work in top-ranked peerreviewed scientific journals, in French and English, and to contribute to the reputation of HEC Liège internationally. Community Outreach Similarly, the future holder of this position will be expected to develop initiatives on the before-mentioned topics in terms of services to the external community. In particular, strengthening the training offer of HEC Liège Executive Education on the practices of social dialogue and collective bargaining as well as on the challenges of the digitalization of the economy for the labor market will be one of the priorities entrusted to the future holder of this position. He/She will also be expected to be involved in the academic life of the HRM department and of HEC Liège.


- You have a PhD or will receive a PhD before the appointment in the following or related fields: Management Sciences, Social Sciences;

- You are fluent in French and in English (you’ll have to teach in French and English as well as to develop and to take part in both regional and international research networks);

- You have published scientific articles and/or presented papers at scientific conferences on the topics of the position to be filled; - You master qualitative and/or quantitative research methods;

- You demonstrate a strong interest for the evolution of the labor market and of the employment forms linked to the digitalization of the economy as well for the evolution of the social dialogue and the industrial relations;

- You can propose a structured research agenda on these topics that is consistent with and complementary to the research activities currently conducted in the HRM field at HEC Liège;

- You are interested in and ready to conduct both research and action-research activities (as it is one of the specificities developed by the Faculty members of the HRM field at HEC Liège);

- You demonstrate an ability to teach courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as to animate Executive Education type trainings;

- You are available for punctual teaching and research missions abroad. Objectives Tenure track candidates start with limited teaching duties allowing them to allocate 40% of their working time to research activities.

A positive evaluation at the end of the 4-year probation period is subject to the candidate’s demonstrated performance in teaching and research. In particular, with regard to research, the candidate is expected to

- publish scientific articles in relevant and top-tier refereed economics and management journals, as well as books and book chapters (see HEC Liège Academic Journal Guide & Academic Book Publishers);

- develop new research projects and write grant proposals for attracting internal and external research funding; - supervise doctoral research;

- be involved in international research networks;

- actively take part in the organization of research activities of the corresponding strategic field at HEC Liège, such as research seminars, workshops, and scientific conferences;

- participate in research projects and missions for the account of, and grow partnerships with, private organizations and/or public authorities. In addition, the candidate is expected to

- deliver high quality teaching; - develop new and active teaching methods;

- contribute to the dynamics of pedagogical innovations currently carried out by the Faculty members of the HRM filed (elaboration and use of digital solutions, case studies, problem-based learning, business games, etc.). 3/3 - supervise Master theses and internships;

- contribute to the continuing evolution of the School’s teaching programs;

- be involved in the Executive Education activities of HEC Liège.

Application package:

- Motivation letter and curriculum vitae showing relevant experience/expertise in research and teaching;

- List of publications and international and national collaborations/projects;

- Letter describing their research interest (5 pages at most);

- Two recommendation letters. To be sent to Postesacademiques@uliege.be by February 8th at the latest, with a copy to the dean (dean.hecliege@uliege.be).

For further information, contact Mrs Jocelyne Robert, Head of Management Department, HEC Liège (Jocelyne.robert@uliege.be). The salary grids and their rules of application are available from the University’s Human Resource Office: Mrs L. Depas – tel.: +32 4 366 52 04 – Ludivine.Depas@uliege.be Academic posts are allocated for a fixed term of four years which may lead to a permanent appointment. Exceptionally, a post may be allocated immediately on a permanent basis. In the case of a four-year appointment, the person concerned will be assessed at the end of the third year. If the outcome of the assessment is negative, the person concerned shall complete their four-year term with no possibility of an extension. If the outcome of the assessment is positive, the person concerned will be appointed on a permanent basis.